The performance plan is suited to any individual who is seeking a more scientific approach for a sporting or physical goal rather than a general everyday lifestyle approach.
Our 16 week 1:1 experience is suited to those who want to improve their performance or enhance their overall sporting efforts. Learn how to properly fuel your body for your chosen sport or goal, learn how to fuel for performance, hit key body composition goals, or gain insight into supplement protocols for intermediate to advanced fat loss and muscle gain
You will receive education on many topics such as meal timing, training vs non-training days, nutrient periodisation, supplements, etc.
Take your body and training to the next level, through harnessing the power of nutrition to support your training sessions. Increase your muscle mass, reduce bodyfat – level up your training.
Special Conditions
This is a minimum 4 month (16 week) commitment. Once the 4 month minimum commitment period is up, your payments will be continued (monthly) to be deducted from your account until you wish to cancel.
Interested in saving by paying upfront? The 16 Week 1:1 Elite Performance (Upfront) option is for you!
$85.00 / week
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