Imagine a life where you are in total harmony with your nutrition...

Navigating social events with ease, moving your body with huge amounts of energy, feeling super confident / amazing in your skin (as well as enjoying ALL of your favourite foods without feeling guilty about it)

With a structured and customised approach through 1:1 nutrition support, it’s possible.

We’ve got you. This is our bread and butter.

Are you...

We understand this industry, diet culture and social media can be super overwhelming, however we are here to cut through the noise, and clear up any confusion and overwhelm you may feel.


Our 1:1 Programs

$70.00 p/w (incl gst)


Your Program Includes:

$529.00 (incl gst)

8 Weeks

Your Program Includes:

$749.00 (incl gst)

12 Weeks

Your Program Includes:

$899.00 (incl gst)

16 Weeks

Your Program Includes:

$199.00 (incl gst)

30 Day Reboot

Your Program Includes:

$299.00 – $399.00 (INCL GST)

Bloom into Summer

8 Week Challenge (October 7th)

Follow Fika’s lead… and join us in our third and final challenge of 2024 to finish the year better, stronger, fitter, healthier, and more motivated and confident to tackle the silly season than ever.

About Fika's Services

Our programs have an 8 week minimum commitment (sorry, no pausing during this time either) where you work 1:1 with your qualified nutritionist who will be able to assist you with your current nutritional goals and requirements.

You are required to check in weekly at a minimum, where your coach will make the necessary adjustments to ensure you are continuously progressing.

Everything we do, is totally tailored to you, your goals, your requirements, your targets, your likes, your dislikes, your lifestyle.

Do not mistake this for a cookie cutter, copy and paste program where you are sent the same meal plans as everyone else, recieve no contact, support or accountability – we are the total opposite, and pride ourselves on being extremely hands on. 

How do I know if Fika Nutrition is for me?

These programs are perfect for those that are either just getting started on their health and fitness journey, or for those of you who are ready to set a more specific goal such as losing body fat, increasing strength, building muscle or overall, learning how to create a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Think of us like your accountability buddy, your educational hub and your one stop shop for transforming your lifestyle and habits for the better.

And as a profound coffee snob; I won’t be one of those people telling you to give up your cup of happiness ☕️

These 1:1 programs are best suited to those with any of the following goals...

We're not a good fit if...

How do our 1:1 programs work?

After signing up, this will land in your inbox so we can get to know you—your current pain points, short- and long-term goals, expectations, food preferences, schedule, training style, and more.

The more you open up in your assessment, the more we can support you. (Spill the tea, dish the goss, and don’t hold back)

Our app invitation will land in your inbox after signup.

Through regular weekly check-ins, you’ll discuss what’s working, and what needs to shift, ask questions, and get personalized feedback and unlimited macro adjustments.

If you have questions or are looking for motivation outside of your weekly check-in, you can message your coach at any time with the apps instant messaging chat. We are quite literally, at your finger tips for the duration of your program.

Through weekly education modules, guidance, accountability and support, we promise, youll experience transformative changes in your body, habits, confidence and food choices.

Chicken and Mango Tacos

Sign Up for Our Nutrition Golden Nuggets

Every fortnight, we land in your inbox with some juicy nutrition golden nuggets, free recipes, and tips and tricks to elevate your food game.

No spam, nothing “salesy” – just a heap of nutrition knowledge bombs to arm you with more tools, to master your nutrition.

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