‘All of The Veggies’ Soup

The veggie soup is one of my favorite dishes to make during the cold winter months. It's hearty, healthy, and packed with flavor. It's perfect for a cozy night in or as a comforting meal when I'm feeling under the weather.
‘All of The Veggies’ Soup

‘All of The Veggies’ Soup

Recipe by Zoe

Serves 4
Per serve
CALS 134g
P-3.2g C-23.6g F-3.9g


  • 3 White potatoes (300g in total)

  • 1/2 Large zucchini (180g in total)

  • 5 Small carrots (200g in total)

  • *Wash and chop all into small cubes

  • 4 small broccoli florets (approx. 100g in total)

  • 1/4 Brown onion, finely diced

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil

  • 1 Tbsp Vegeta seasoning

  • 1/3 Tsp Chilli (ground)

  • 1/2 – 1 Tsp turmeric (ground)

  • SOUP TOPPER – dry roast the below
  • Sesame seeds

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Activated buckinis

  • Salt & pepper

  • Paprika


  • Prepare your veggies
  • Heat a large pot to medium – high heat on your stove and add the oil
  • Add the onion and cook until it softens and becomes opaque, don’t burn
  • Add all your veggies except the broccoli and fill your pot with water so that the veggies are covered
  • Stir through your vegeta, chilli, turmeric and season with salt and pepper
  • Cover with a lid, turn down to a medium heat, and let it bubble away and cook for 20mins or quite literally until the veggies are ‘done’! They should be cooked all the way through and soft in texture. Inserting a fork through them should feel like butter!
  • Halfway through cooking time add your broccoli *Depending how high you have your stove and how big your veggie cubes are, cooking time may vary
  • Once cooked remove from heat and allow the pot to cool with the lid off.
  • Adjust seasoning before blitzing with a stick blender
  • The perfect start to your meal! Fish or any other grilled meat to follow with a salad is an amazing combo

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